Introduction to Philosophy

Course Syllabus, PHI 2010 GA

Instructor: P. Fortier, M.A.                                                                                                                  

(Marquette, 1991)                                                                                                                                Aristotle (384-322 B.C.)



Please Print This Syllabus


Welcome to Philosophy 2010 ON-LINE!!  My name is Mr. Philip Fortier.  I will be your facilitator/instructor for this course.


Below you will find the information that you need to assist you in the successful completion of this course.  I want you to know that I am here to assist you in doing your very best in the class.   If you have questions at any time, about anything related to either the format or subject matter, I will be more than happy to help you in any way possible.  You may contact me privately via e-mail, telephone or in-person.   If you wish to meet in-person, you may reach me using the information below to set up an appointment.


As you can see on your Ucompass screen, there are SEVEN course content related areas, starting from the top on the left side of your screen.  I will upload the course content documents into these areas.  I have listed these areas below along with an indication of their respective course functions:


1)        Course Information – COURSE SYLLABUS

2)        Announcements – current class reminder or important class wide note

3)       Course Materials –

  • Weekly Packets: Lectures, Agendas, Major Papers Info
  • More Information:  Additional Announcements, Pre-Start Information
  • Glossaries: Important Philosophy Vocabulary

4)   Assignments –

  • Weekly Reading Questions: these correspond to the textbook and/or supplemental readings
  • My Homework Folder: student drop box which allows you to submit weekly assignments and major class papers

5)       Course Assessments – Midterm Exam, Final Exam and other Assessments

6)       Discussion Board – Weekly Discussion Group Forums, General Course Questions/Format Group Forum

7)       External Links – Primary References, Secondary References


The specific goals of each area are as follows:


1) The Announcements area contains the current announcement for that day.  I will maintain a folder of all announcements in the Course Materials section.  Please check for current announcements and please review all postings in the Announcement Folder in the Course Materials area.


2) The Course Information contains the syllabus for this course


3) In the Course Materials area contains the following Sublink Folders:


·        Weekly Packets – a folder that contains Lectures, Agendas and Major Papers Information

·        More Information - Additional Announcements & Pre-Start Information

·        Glossaries – a listing of important philosophical terms for this course.


4) The Assignments button refers to the area that contains your weekly reading guide questions.  You must read the textbook and lecture in order to answer these questions.  Herein, you will find your Homework/Student Drop Box Folder.


5) Course Assessments is the area that contains your midterm and final exams.  These will be available only on the date specified in the course due dates.


6) Discussion Board contains each week’s group forum discussion board.  You will use this area to answer each week’s discussion questions, to post critiques and engage in our class discussion.


7) External Links area contains a list of helpful hyperlinks to assist you in writing your papers and completing course requirements.


In order to do well in this class, you will be required contribute on a daily basis, in written form, your comments to the Discussion Board (DB) in the Group Forum.  That is, you will not only be REQUIRED to READ and to WRITE but also to demonstrate your proficiency in the subject matter of the course.  As you read the Lectures, you will notice a few Discussion Questions (DQs) embedded within each Lecture or listed separately on the weekly agendas.  Each student will be required to answer these DQs individually on one day and react to other students input on different days in the form of critiques. You will submit all these elements to the DB in the Group Forum area.      


Also, throughout the course, you will be answering Reading Questions that follow the course material in the text.  In the Assignments area you will read the relevant questions and transmit your answers back to me via Homework Folder (the Student Drop Box).  Please send all student work files as documents in Word or Rich Text Format (.rtf) only! 



One Required On-Site Visit:

This term you are required to attend only one onsite campus meeting: 


v     Midterm Review/Class Meeting – this two hour long class meeting will be convened on a Friday evening at South Campus one week before the midterm exam.  The exact date will be announced during the first week of class but will most likely take place around the fourth week of the term. 

                        (The midterm exam itself will be convened online via the Course Assessments button)


Your Attendance at the Onsite Midterm Review/Class Meeting is Required and counts as Partial Credit (5 points) in this Course.  I will announce the date, time and location for the onsite meeting during the first week of our course term.  Most students thank me for the opportunity to meet onsite and find the review session very helpful in pulling all the material together in preparation for the online midterm exam.


ON-LINE Office Hours:

The Ucompass Web Site provides its clients with a java chat option.  During the term, I may provide students with the opportunity to discuss course issues.  I may award bonus points to students who attend pre-arranged office hours chats.  The chat feature will not be available until the middle to late in the term.


ON-SITE Office Hours:

By appointment only.  Messages can be left at (586) 286-2282 or in my mailbox located in the Humanities Department at the Center Campus.  If you would like to meet me, you must arrange an appointment.  Since I am closer to South Campus, any on campus meetings will likely take place there in the Library or in the philosophy classroom (C-205).  I do not teach onsite this term at MCC.  Therefore, if you want to schedule an appointment, you must make arrangements via email.


ON-SITE Postal Address:

Macomb Community College

Department of Humanities, Philosophy Area

44575 Garfield Road

Clinton Township, Michigan 48038-1139


From Ucompass, my primary E-mail Information is:

From outside Ucompass, my secondary e-mail information is:

Please do not carbon copy your assignments to both addresses. 

The second email should only be used in the event that Ucompass has a problem.


All course assignments and papers should be submitted via Homework Folder (Student Drop Box) or posted to the appropriate forum on the Discussion Board.  If you wish to communicate via email, use the Yahoo email already set up in the Ucompass application.  If Ucompass is down, you may use the yahoo or email.


N.B. All ON-LINE students must submit all course work using one of four methods indicated below, in order of the most preferred to the least.


1)      Student Work Submissions (Homework Folder)

2)      Discussion Board postings in the Group Forum

3)      E-mail to my primary or secondary address.

4)      U.S. Postal Delivery Service to me c/o Macomb.

5)      In-person submission of course assignments.


Course Objective:

This course is an introductory survey of philosophy.  The course will in most cases follow the outline of the Stumpf and Feiser textbook.  However, in some instances the course will refer to supplemental material.  The purpose of the course is to introduce the student to a wide variety of topics in philosophy, the student with some of the traditional questions and critically analyzing a variety of responses to those important issues.


Course Catalog Description:

Designed to show the relevance of philosophical problems to the student himself. The student is challenged to develop a consistent response to such problems as: free will versus determinism, the limits of knowledge, the basis of good and evil, personal conscience versus legal obligation, etc. Traditional and modern philosophers are read for discussion and critical evaluation. (3 contact hrs)


Course Length:

An attendance of 5 out of 7 days is required for a total of 8 weeks. 


Contact Hours: 3 contact hours


Credit Value: 3 Credits


Detailed Grading Scale:   


A   = 92 - 100% = 4.0

A -  = 90 - 91.9 % = 3.7

B + = 88 – 89.9 % = 3.3

B   = 82 – 87.9 % = 3.0

B - = 80 - 81.9 % = 2.7

C+ = 78 - 79.9 % = 2.3

C   = 72 - 77.9 % = 2.0

C - = 70 - 71.9 % = 1.7

D+ = 68 - 69.9 % = 1.3

D   = 62 - 67.9 % = 1.0

D -  = 60 - 61.9 % = 0.7

E   = Below 60% = 0.0


For Technical Support:

Refer to Ucompass for the Student Manuel or contact Helpdesk at: 1 800 735-6379.


I have also created a forum entitled “Course Format Questions Forum.”   Please use that forum for Format/Course Requirements Questions only.  I will expect you to have read through the course documents before you ask your question.


Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to:


·         Define and discuss contemporary issues and their relation to underlying principles and philosophical systems.

·         Analyze relevant philosophical problems and develop resolutions.

·         Present logical and consistent arguments in support of philosophical positions.

·         Discuss issues related to the boundaries of philosophical speculation.

·         Examine the differences between scientific/technological world views and the more classical understandings of human nature.

·         Acquaint the student with some of the major themes in the history of philosophy.


Course Prerequisites: None


Employer Tuition Remissions:

Students receiving course tuition reimbursement from employers must submit a written request to the facilitator for any letters verifying attendance and/or earned credits.


Required Text:

Philosophy: History and Problems.  Authored by Samuel Enoch Stumpf, 6th Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1994.  ISBN: 0-07-240635-6


·        Supplemental Readings will be posted in the Course Materials area.  Other readings may be obtained from Internet sources.


Materials: Internet Access and PC/Mac.


Class Policies:

A) Special Attendance Guidelines:


The student is expected to attend the course via uploading significant contributions to the Discussion Board.  Students are also expected to read each week’s lecture, relevant text pages and complete all other necessary assignments as noted in the weekly agendas.


The college has established an attendance standard for all online courses.  A student participant must ‘attend’ class 5 of 7 days per week.  This is measured by the facilitator recording the date of each entry you make to the system - whether it is a response to one of the assignments, a comment on the work of another, or a question to the group or to your instructor.


An absence does not excuse the student from the responsibility of participation, assigned work, and/or exam.  Students may be dropped for poor attendance after two consecutive weeks of absences is accumulated.  It is virtually impossible to earn a decent grade in this course without the minimal of the 5-day attendance each week.


·        IMPORTANT:  Attendance will be documented only on the basis of the posted entries on the Discussion Board.

I will have no record of your attendance unless you post on a daily basis.     



On Roll Call:

Since, I do not receive a computer printout that informs me when a student logs onto the system.   I have no way of knowing whether a student has signed onto the system if that student does not submit an entry in the Discussion Board (Group Forum) area.  In order to meet the criteria of 5 of 7 days contact, I am required to use the dates recorded by the system at the heading of each of your discussion postings.  This will be the method of taking Roll.  Attendance will be used as a guideline in conjunction with the overall participation to determine that portion of the grade. Please consider this as you schedule your course work.


B) Plagiarism/Cheating:


q       Plagiarism is to take and use another’s words or ideas as one’s own


Plagiarism of any material is a serious offense, not to mention illegal and may result in failure of the course.  Outside sources may be used if properly referenced as such. Cheating will not be tolerated.


Fortier Class Policy -

If plagiarism is detected in a student's work, that student will not receive credit for that assignment. If plagiarism occurs a second time, the student will be assigned an‘E/F’ or ‘0’ for the course. 


If any instance of plagiarism is suspected, that paper (without any of its name identifying characteristics) will be submitted to a third party for plagiarism analysis.  Please refer to the MCC website for particulars on further instances and sanctions involving plagiarism.


Academic dishonesty could involve any of the following:


1. Having a tutor or friend complete a portion of your assignments.


2. Having a reviewer make extensive revisions to assignments.


3. Copying work submitted by another student to a public class meeting.


4. Using information from online information services without proper citation


5. Having someone assist you in answering examination questions or cases, or having someone see/review/critique your answers prior to submitting those answers to the classes.


N.B. This list is not all-inclusive. Please check with me ahead of time if you have any questions regarding academic integrity. I will post specific guidelines on referencing methods and paper requirements in the Major Papers information under Weekly Packets in the Course Materials area. 


Papers will be returned without a grade if sources are not referenced properly.



C) Assignments are due on the day of the seminar specified (by the END OF THE DAY...Midnight in the EASTERN TIME ZONE) and must have the appropriate day recorded (or an earlier date) for full credit.   All due dates for assignments will be scheduled according to the Michigan Eastern Time Zone.


Class Discussion:

Class discussion seminars will be accomplished through the use of the Discussion Board.  Students can 'attend' these discussions at times convenient to them rather than having to be at a specific place at a specific time. The only time when a specific time might be required is during a chat.  At this point, these chats will remain optional.  Students who attend these chats will be awarded bonus points at the end of the term.  Oftentimes, especially when I am not present for some of the group chats, I will archive the chats, review them throughout the term and transmit my feedback in form of postings to various areas, drop box and/or privately to particular students.


Class Discussion/Participation:

Class discussion/participation is required to keep the class interesting and to maximize your learning. Students are required to actively participate in discussions.  Students are also encouraged to bring personal experiences to the class forum.  However, in the true spirit of philosophical reflection, discussion will be directed toward the objective and philosophically relevant.  Students are encouraged to bring into the course any material from current events that are relevant to the subject matter.  Attendance will be recorded solely on the basis of your postings to the DB in the Group Forum area.


Techniques to Facilitate Class Discussion:

You are encouraged to dialogue with other students regarding the subject matter.  In fact, we will discuss the particulars of a standard in philosophy, the Socratic Dialectic.  Some appropriate contribution to this dialogue might include life, work, politics and/or social experiences. You are expected to show your understanding of the readings and their relevance to the subject matter. 


It is very wise for you to keep regular contact with the Discussion Board, Course Materials and Announcements areas.  A key part of your grade depends in large part on your involvement in the discussion.  Please keep your comments focused, to the point, be polite, and reference the name of the person whose comments you are referring to if you are commenting on the inputs of others.




Instructor Feedback:

How are you doing?  That's a good question.  Here are my tasks as the instructor:


1) Weekly, I will send some directional comments to the forum indicating important points, etc. In this comment paragraph, I will mention any major concerns or strong points the class needs to consider.  After the midterm exam, I will send an academic progress report to each student.  Your grade will be assessed on a pointage basis.  Throughout the course, after I grade items, you will be able to view your points for major assignments.  I will calculate attendance points only at the midterm – not on a week by week basis.  In other words, your attendance/participation points will be indicated shortly after the midterm exam and after the final exam.


2) Often, I will enter comments into the discussion as I review student contributions. These may include questions, clarifications and/or re-emphasis on important material. 


3) At least two to three times per week, I will provide feedback to the class/individual in a more personalized manner on related topics and lecture material.


4) If anyone is having a specific problem, I will send a private message.  Usually this is done to reflect marginal attendance, missing assignments or lack of dialogue with others.  Detailed explanation of grading weights will be outlined below.


Transmission Format: 

Please submit your all files either in Word or Rich Text Format (.rtf).  If you do not have Word 97 or 2000, you can save your work in the Rich Text Format.  Any word processing program can save your work as a Rich Text Format document. I DO NOT HAVE ANY PROGRAMS THAT READ .WPS FILES.  Please submit your documents in either one of the two formats discussed above.  Documents in .html format also will not be accepted.


It is wise to save a backup copy of your submissions including all your postings.   If I do not receive your work, you will then have backups to verify your timely fulfillment of course requirements.


ALL STUDENT WORK MUST BE TYPED USING THE NEW TIMES ROMAN, 12 POINT STYLE.  Sometimes, other fonts will alter the content of the text.  YOU MUST USE THE ABOVE FONT.


During the first week, I will post a questionnaire/agreement to you.  Each student must complete the questionnaire/agreement and send it back to me.  The purpose of the questionnaire/agreement is not only to make certain you understand the requirements but also to obtain information about your academic experiences and help resolve any technical issues.



It is crucial to label all assignments.  When you submit assignments either via the Homework Folder (student drop box), the forums or e-mail, you must spell out the assignment title and specific topic in the subject bar.   In the Discussion Board, make certain you are responding to the appropriate forum by noting its particular topic.  It is very difficult to sort through all the messages at the end of the week to find your assignments for grading if they are not labeled correctly or uploaded to the proper forum.  As stated in large type above, you must repeat the subject bar data in the body of the e-mail.


The Assignment Grade is compiled with the Participation Grade.  Specifically, it includes the following components:


1)          Discussion Questions/Quotes – I will post them in lectures or the agenda and you will upload them to the DB (Group Forum)

2)          Reading Questions – I will post in the Assignments Folder and you will send answers back via the Homework Folder (Student Drop Box).

3)          Special Impromptu Essays – I will list them on the weekly Agenda or on a forum and you will respond to the forum or via the Homework Folder.

4)          Critiques of Other Student Responses – You will read them in the DB and upload your responses to the DB.


                                                                        Course Grading Weights:

Thales (626-546 B.C.)                                    Exam I                         20 points

                                    Onsite Meeting               5 points

                                    Paper 1                        10 points                     

                                    Paper 2                        20 points                     

                                    Assignments (+11)       

                                           Forums (+24)        35 points (participation total)

                                    Final Essays                  10 points


Summarized Course Requirement Options:


Midterm Exam (online)                        

1) Philosophers Dialogue (3-4 pp.) OR Ethics Interview Paper (3-4 pp.)

2) Argument Paper (4-5 pp.)


Final Essays


The numbers above correspond to papers 1 and 2.  The first paper is either a Philosopher’s Dialogue or an Ethics Interview Paper.  The second paper is an argument type of paper.  You may find a list of philosophy topic questions for this argument paper in the Major Papers folder under the Weekly Packets.


Bonus: Movie Review on Philosophical Theme (specific details TBA)


I will post paper guidelines and suggestions in the Major Papers folder under Course Materials area.  **Due Dates for All Student Papers/Exams: TBA


Topics of the Course (Subject to Change)                                                                                                                                       


1) Philosophy


Historical Framework



2) Metaphysics/Science of Being

Metaphysical Claims


Free Will versus Determinism


3) Use of Logic

Major Fallacies                  

Argument Construction/Critique


4) The Existence and Nature of the Soul; Immortality of the Soul;

Plato & Aristotle on Soul;


5) Theism; Relation between Theology & Philosophy;

Division of Philosophy Sciences


6) Epistemology:  David Hume and Immanuel Kant                  


7) Ethics: Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas

Objectivism versus Subjectivism                       


8) Aesthetics; Themes in Eastern Philosophy


9) The Question of Human Destiny; Meaning of Life and the Human





                                                                                                                                                                        St. Thomas Aquinas, Doctor of Church (1225-1274)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Saint Thomas Aquinas (1225 – 1274)

Philip Fortier, M.A.

Macomb Community College

Adjunct, Philosophy/Humanities


“Philosophy, a luxury to the man in prosperity and a refuge to the man in adversity" -- Aristotle   


Two things fill the mind with increasing awe: the starry heavens above and the moral law within” – Immanuel Kant


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